Awards and Contests

J. Szmelter Award

It is the tradition of the International Conference of Computer Methods in Mechanics to honour the best paper presented by a young researcher. Starting with the CMM-2011, this award is associated with the name of Professor Jan Szmelter, who pioneered the Finite Element Method in Poland. All participants of 26th International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics (CMM-2025) who fulfill the rules listed below are eligible for the Jan Szmelter Award.

The rules of the competition for the J. Szmelter Award granted for the best research paper presented by a young author during the 26th International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics (CMM-2025) are:

Any participant of the CMM-2025 is eligible for the J. Szmelter Award if he/she fulfills the following requirements:

  • is up to the age of 30,
  • is an author or a co-author of a paper presented during the Congress,
  • has presented the paper by himself/ herself and has been active in a discussion on the presented paper.

The criteria of selecting the best paper:

  • the originality of problem formulation and of the theoretical/numerical techniques used will be of primary importance,
  • the way of presentation and the authors participation in discussion will be taken into account during evaluation.

The Scientific Committee appoints the Jury of the competition. Decisions of the Jury are made by the simple majority of votes. Voting on procedural matters is public. Voting on the best paper(s) is secret.

The papers shall be nominated by the members of the Scientific Committee as well as by the members of the International Advisory Board. A member of the Jury cannot nominate the presented paper whose co-author is herself/himself.

The Jury may award two papers an equivalent prize or may not award any paper at all.

The decisions of the Jury will be announced at the Closing ceremony of the CMM-2025.

O.C. Zienkiewicz Medal

Olgierd Cecil Zienkiewicz Medal was set on the initiative of Polish Association for Computational Mechanics.

The Medal is awarded for outstanding merit in the development of computational mechanics.

Three categories of the Medal are established:

  • the Medal for the entire activity,
  • the Medal for outstanding achievements during recent 2 years,
  • the Medal for foreign scientists with particular merit for the development of computational mechanics in Poland.
  • The Medal Awarding Ceremony will take place during Opening ceremony of the CMM-2025

    Designed by Tomasz Waśniewski. Łódź 2024